Friday, June 03, 2005

Pig Hunt

As promised, a pig hunting report...

David and I met at about 3 p.m. to go out to his place in the Pond Creek bottoms. I think we picked the hottest day in the past two weeks! We saw some pigs on the road on the way in... a good sign?

I sat in a tall metal tower stand, the first one north of the camp for those familiar. My friend George had killed a sow there on Monday and I was hoping the piglets would come back.

The first thing I saw was a bobcat, about 5 p.m. It was a medium sized female with decent spots, and it came out about twenty yards away from me on my left. The picture is as it crossed in front of me about 30 yards away.

There were lots of cardinals, and some indigo buntings. I took a pic of the bunting but it didn't turn out. Here's a pic of one of the redbirds.

Next I was visited by a rabbit. He stayed around for probably an hour and a half.

After the rabbit,I saw three deer. Two of them looked like spikes in velvet. They stayed and ate for about 30 minutes. Here's a pic of two of them.

Finally there was a rustle in the bushes! Could it be the pigs? Nope, it was this armadillo.

The dilla and the rabbit were still hanging out when I saw a brown hump move across a gap up the road. A few minutes later, here come the pigs. There were about 6 piglets, some all black, some black and white like a hamp, and some brown like a duroc. After the piglets came two sows. The whole pig herd was working its way down the road toward me. I took the time to put in my ear plugs, but not to take pics. Unbeknownst to the pigs, I had left my #1 pig killing gun in Abilene with Travis. Unfortunately for the pigs, no good hunter only has one gun, and my #2 pig killing gun was ready to go. I pulled out the .270, with handloads of course, and let the lead sow have it in the neck. Pigs do have a neck, it's just a short one, lol. As the rest of the herd scrambled for cover, I reloaded just in time for the other sow to pause long enought to catch a bullet behind the shoulder.

The first sow was DRT (dead right there, a GGVG term), but the second made it into the brush. I went back to camp, got a brush knife, found the blood trail, and went in and got the second pig.

Here's a pic of the pigs back at camp. The first sow is the one hanging, the second's on the ground.

I took the backstraps and hams from the first one to grind with venison for hamburger, and David took the other one to give to Michael Cheatham's brother PeeWee.

David didn't see anything at all, but he did get stung on the eyelid by a wasp. Ouch!

That's about it for the pig hunting story. Hope you all enjoyed it.



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