Saturday, May 21, 2005


I've been in Austin this weekend. Some interesting things happened...

I saw some T-shirts at a couple of businesses downtown that said "Keep Austin Wierd." Not going to be a problem... lots of wierd people around here.

I fished with Chris Rylander on Friday. The lake people had killed all the grass, so we had to find fish the hard way, but we did. Ended up with four keepers and lost two more. White crankbaits were the ticket.

Went to my cousin's wedding this evening at an 1890's mansion. Kind of cool place. The ceremony was nice and the food wasn't bad either. Got to see my grandparents, all the aunts and uncles, and most of the cousins. For those of you who've never met my family, every one of my male cousins is as into bass fishing as I am. We've always got something to talk about.

I guess that's about it. Going to go to the old home church in the morning. Headed to Abilene in the afternoon tomorrow. I'll post as I get the chance.



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