Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Here's a good joke...

Today a friend of mine was talking and he said "good customer service" and "Walmart" in the same sentence.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Doing what I do for Academy, I had to laugh.

People used to complain about Walmart having 34 checkout stands and 3 cashiers. Now they've got all of those self checkout stands and 3 cashiers. The other day, I actually had to wait in line to check myself out.

Research says that 90% of customers will never complain, but of that 10% who do, 96% of them will tell ten or more people their bad customer service story.

I wonder if that statistic holds for churches. Do 90% of people who have a bad experience at church never complain? Do those people who do complain tell ten or more people their story?

Anecdotal evidence seems to confirm the statistics.


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