Tuesday, May 16, 2006


For the past few weeks I've been building a relationship with Mike. It's not much of a relationship really, but it's a start. Mike is a homeless man in a wheelchair who sits at the corner of Buffalo Gap and Clack. He's there several days per week. About a month ago, I got stuck at the light right next to Mike's post. I didn't have any money to give him, as I rarely carry cash, but I figured I'd do the next best thing. I took off my sunglasses, turned off the radio, rolled down the window and asked him his name and how he was doing. We had a 45 second conversation about his health problems and the weather, then the light changed and I went on. Before I left, he said that he appreciated being talked to. A week or so later, I talked to another man on that same corner, Jim. Turns out Jim is Mike's brother, and Mike was in the hospital with the health problems we talked about the week before. I mentioned that I had talked to Mike, and Jim said that Mike had talked about me. I've talked to Mike three other times since then, including today. Today was a bit different. Today, I actually had some money in my pocket. It wasn't much, or enough, but I had it. I ended up three cars back, so I got out of my car, greeted Mike, gave him my dollar, and got back in the car. Before the light changed, a lady from the other lane came over with some money, and also picked up some from the second car in line. I don't know how much I can do for Mike in 45 second snippets, but at least I can talk to him, treat him like a person instead of some homeless creature, and give him what I can. Who knows what will come of it.


At 8:21 AM, Blogger ann said...

There's a great Derek Webb song called "Rich Young Ruler." One of the lyrics says, "more than just you cash or coin, I want your time, I want your voice..." I think that's what you gave Mike.


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