Monday, April 10, 2006

Revelation 21:8

Did any of you ever sing the little Revelation 21:8 song as kids? Some of you will know what I'm talking about and laugh.

Apparently the "official" story that new candidates for my old job are getting is that I left to go back to school, as if it were my idea and everything was peachy up until that point.

I hope that whoever takes that job goes in with eyes wide open and knows exactly what's going on. I suspect that such an awareness is structurally impossible, so that no outsider can know what's going on, because no insider has enough awareness to explain. I also suspect that no minister who is aware of the issues will take the job.

What does that leave? Another setup. Some young guy is going to come in, work his butt off, make certain people mad, and end up back at school or selling insurance, and it will probably have very little to do with the quality of his ministry or his impact on the teens and their families.

Even something so simple as "we had our difficulties, and when an opportunity came for Jason to go back to school, we encouraged him to take it" would be better than the lie. Even "We didn't agree with Jason on some issues that were important to us, so we asked him to resign," tough as that is to say would be getter than the lie.

I honestly don't know if any of the people involved even read this blog anymore, but if you do...


At 9:07 PM, Blogger miller said...

hey buddy,

the truth ain't what it used to be...


At 9:22 PM, Blogger ann said...

Dang, Jason. :) Ha, tell us how you really feel! Probably can't say to much here-- I'll email you later.


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