Tuesday, April 25, 2006

One Year

This blog turned one year old yesterday.

Somebody has come and looked at it about 7200 times. Over the year, it had an average of 19.91 hits per day. The most hits I had in a week was 338, the time I challenged a particular church's view of membership and also the week I symbol-bleeped a cuss word.

This blog began in difficult times, and has seen its ups and downs. It has been the spark for some good discussion and for some very very bad discussion. It has been a reflection of my life, good, bad, and ugly, and all three have had their moment in the spotlight. It has been useful to my friends and to those who may not be so friendly. My words have touched people, caused them to think , and pissed them off, sometimes all at the same time.

I am considering some major changes to this blog. Some have wished that it would go away altogether. Some have wished that I'd change the subject away from church, or from a specific church. Some people like it the way it is. We'll see whose viewpoint wins in my mind over the next few days and weeks, but I already have an idea in mind. I'll let you know.

And an update on my last post...
I finished all of my papers, although the 5 page outline took me till 1 a.m. on Thursday morning. They all turned out better than I thought they might, particularly the late night outline. I suppose we'll see in a few more weeks when grades come in how well it really went.

I've got another post in my head, but I'm going to save it for later.


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