Thursday, March 23, 2006

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one

We listened to “Imagine” in class on Tuesday as an example of a current expression of Epicurean thought, but that’s not what I want to talk about.

I don’t know what I believe about dreams. God clearly spoke in dreams in the Bible, or at least his people thought that he did. Does he still speak in dreams?

After fishing and catching almost nothing on Tuesday afternoon, Miller and I sat in his living room and talked about our callings. Miller is called to a simple life of “tentmaking” and genuinely lived Christianity in South Texas. I feel called to help people in churches better understand the claims that their Christianity makes on their life. I want people to “get it.” I feel like God has called me to serve and given me a generous share of talents, and I want to have as much influence for the kingdom as possible.

After wrestling with articulating an irrational, inexplicable call, I went home and went to bed and I had a dream.

I dreamed that I was in a bar ditch, backed up to a barbed wire fence. For some reason, a series of characters, maybe two or three, were walking by on the road and shooting at me with revolvers, but although each shot three or four times, they always missed. I was scared at being fired upon. I had no retreat and no way to defend myself. I remember being amused at their poor marksmanship. At the end of the dream I remember being comforted, almost a “they’ll shoot at you, but you’ll be ok” kind of affirmation.

What do you make of that?


At 12:44 PM, Blogger ann said...

Ooh, gave me chills! For several years I've been a believer in the meaning of dreams. Maybe not each and every dream, but I think we've all had one where we knew that it held a greater significance than normal. I know I have. If I were you, I'd consider this dream a gift of God's protection and reassurance of your call.

At 2:58 PM, Blogger miller said...

i'm not sure, it sounds like you've been hit before...

as have i...

maybe it means that if you hang out in bar ditches you're likely to get shot at... the good thing about people who walk the ditches shooting at people is that they're not likely to be sober enough to hit anything.

i was reading in Luke 10 the other night about the sending out of the 72. Jesus instructed them not to greet anyone along the road... whats that all about?

i think you have a noble calling buddy. and i'm glad its you and not me.

At 8:15 PM, Blogger Jason Fry said...

Honestly, it was far more scary than reassuring.

I don't think I want people shooting at me, even if they're going to miss.

I also don't like having any option to flee or fight.

I've got a meeting with a wise man scheduled for next week in hope that he can help me clarify some of this.


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