Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Wanted: One Healthy Church

Even Lance Armstrong had cancer, I understand. Sean Elliot had a kidney transplant, I know. I recognize that "healthy" is an impossibility on some levels, and yet...

I want to work for one healthy church before I die. Not a church torn by sins like adultery. Not a church suffering under a succession of bad ministers. Not a church that has just lost members and can't make up her mind what kind of church it wants to be. Not a church that's afraid of what others think of her. Not a church that is content with mediocrity.

I know that there are things that my wife does that drive me nuts, but we stay married because we are committed to loving each other. Is there a church out there willing to put up with the things that I do that drive them nuts in the same way that I have to be willing to put up with their junk?

Does that church exist?

My friend Mark says it does. My friend Miller says it probably doesn't. What do you think? Is there a church out there that is healthy, whose baggage won't kill the ministers?


At 9:06 AM, Blogger jerry said...


I want to believe there is a "healthy" church out there, however, gut feeling tells me that as long as humans are involved there may not be one. If you find one, I do think you will have to leave the "bible belt" to find it. We have made it very easy just to move from one place to another simply because we don't like something. That drives me nuts! I feel I am in a fairly healthy church here but we still have our illnesses and diseases. I am with you, I just want a group of believers who see others through the eyes of Jesus.

Keep praying

At 2:20 PM, Blogger Jared Cramer said...

I think they're out there, but I think the unhealthy churches are the ones that are badly in need of good ministers.

At 4:08 PM, Blogger ann said...

Hmm, well you've had me thinking about this for a few days, Jason, and I think I'm going to say that it does exist. I'm not sure where we get the idea that church folks are usually great. We can just look to Jesus' ministry for examples... Pharisees, the apostles (sans John) deserting Jesus during his crucifixion, our beloved "doubting" Thomas... Of course, that doesn't mean that the disappointment is any less bitter.
Wow, what a cynical comment. :) I'll end on this happy note-- yes, I do believe they exist! There was John, there was Nicodemus, there was Paul... there is hope!

At 8:19 PM, Blogger miller said...


its been a couple of days... i'll give you my two cents, and thats about all its worth.

it depends on what you call healthy. i am currently "attending" the healthiest "church" i've ever been part of.

i put attending in parentheses because the life of the community i belong to happens 24/7. it ain't just about sunday. for me that is healthy.

we're also about personal growth and responsibility. even our youngest members participate in, and sometimes lead, whatever we are up to. for me that is healthy.

we are not resource intensive, we have no debt, we need no expert, and we have a vision for the harvest that is do-able because what we're up to is highly reproducible. one needs no special knowledge, special location, or special collection to replicate our church. to me that is healthy.

there are lots of things we don't have... but many (not all) of the churches that have the things we are missing are not healthy... even a little bit.

i guess i wholeheartedly agree with jared when he says the unhealthy ones badly need good people to help them.


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