Thursday, January 26, 2006

Too well to be sick, too sick to be well

I'm starting to get a little frustrated. Tuesday night I went back to the ER with similar results: a shot of pain meds and send me home with no diagnosis or progress toward one. Wednesday I went to the ACU doctor, who referred me to a specialist. I was able to see the specialist yesterday afternoon, and he ordered another test. I did a test where they inject radioactive goo and watch what it does to my liver and gall bladder. This morning the specialist called and said that the test was borderline. I'm too sick to go to class or work, but apparently not sick enough for an operation or even for them to tell what is wrong with me. He scheduled me for a stomach scope and an upper GI series of x-rays tomorrow.

I missed my class this morning and was planning on missing work today until I had those tests scheduled for tomorrow. I guess I'll have to go to work today if I can't work tomorrow. It's a double whammy. I can't make money if I don't work, and they want me to spend more money that I don't have.

On top of that, Shana and I are both getting colds.

I want to say some cuss words, and cry.



At 1:18 PM, Blogger miller said...

Lord, please heal Jason.

i'm sorry your in such a state buddy. we'll keep praying.


At 5:54 AM, Blogger Dr. Bubba said...


So sorry to hear that you just
are not feeling well and that
they have not narrowed this down
yet. I know what a pain these test
can be...I have had similar ones at
one time or another. Be still and
wait for the Lord, Brother.

I will keep lifting you up in prayer. And the family too of course.

If it makes you feel any better. At
the start of the week I got blood clots in my left leg again. Not as
painful as the last two times I have
had them. :) But they slowing me down and I still have at least one more test to go. So you are not alone.

God Bless,

At 8:57 AM, Blogger ann said...

Ugh, this sucks. I feel for ya buddy. It's sooooo frustrating when no one can figure out what's wrong with you. For a while I wondered if it was all just in my head. And I understand the feeling of insurancelessness (new word :) ). I hope the tests go well today. I've had them both done multiple times, so I can tell you that it shouldn't be terrible, but it won't be terribly pleasant, either. Just make sure you drink a lot of fluids to flush that barium out of your system. In the words of my father, it "sets up like concrete" if you don't. :)
Gambate! (Japanese word of encouragement)


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