Friday, January 06, 2006

Several posts from my head...

I haven't posted in quite a while, but I've had a few ideas that I could have posted. Here's a recap...

1. The Year in Review. I started out a father of one, a youth minister, and happy. Now I'm a father of two, a student and sporting goods clerk, and sometimes happy, sometimes not.

2. The Once and Future Youth Minister. I was a YM once. I anticipate that I will be again some time. I sent out some resumes. I did one interview, although I didn't get that job. I then decided to turn down two more interviews. I just don't think that now is the time, or that either of those two places were the place.

3. I'm Going to MIT. Actually, I'm planning on trying to go MIT, and that's "manager in training," not the school for geniuses in Massachusetts. I spoke to my manager about advancement possibilities at Academy and have a couple of meetings coming soon that could move me toward moving toward a management position (yeah, moving toward moving toward).

4. The Neighborhoods are Ripe for the Harvest, but the Fields are Pretty Poor. This is actually a story about illegal deer hunting that may or may not have allegedly occurred :)

5. A Trapping Mis-Adventure. I put out some traps for three nights and caught 6 coons. I figured out that the way to bed traps in Texarkana doesn't work in Abilene. As soon as I got it figured out, I had to pull my traps. If I get a second chance to get traps out, I'll probably catch a bunch of stuff. Probably won't get the chance.

6. Stories About the Boys. The best stories are actually on Shana's blog, so go to my links on the right hand side of this page and check hers out.

See, I could have posted six times since December 19 instead of just one.

Please pray for my internet friend Ann White. She's been in the hospital alot lately with severe digestive problems. Her blog's on the links as well, and more details about her illness and stuff are there.



At 1:39 PM, Blogger Dr. Bubba said...

Hey Jason,

I am not familar with trapping
lingo ... what is a "bed trap".

I have trapped before but am
not sure what to call how I did it.


At 1:44 PM, Blogger Dr. Bubba said...

Oh I misread. Not "bed traps" but how
to bed traps. So what was the
differences that you found in
bedding your traps?



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