I'm now a member
For the first time in my life, I placed membership at a congregation. I grew up at the church where my parents were members. In college I was a member at Hamby. We went there regularly for several years, I led singing, the whole bit, but I don't recall ever formally placing membership. Since then I've worked at three churches, and nobody expects the ministers to place membership. (side note: Are the ministers members or not?)
We placed our lot with the Southern Hills congregation here in town after visiting five weeks. During the "invitation" (which is not the usual "y'all come on down") we snagged an elder in the aisle. He invited us to the front where we were introduced immediately as new members. No questions. But what if I were a secret Baptist? No questions. What if...um...what if... No questions. Nice.
I haven't decided yet in what areas to serve. I don't know what opportunities there are for teaching, although I know both youth ministers from when I lived here before. I don't know how closed of a group the praise team is, but they're pretty durn good without me.
I've got a few more benign topics to post, but I think I'll do them in stages, simply as a ploy to get y'all coming back and checking for updates. I'm almost past 3000 on my counter. Wonder how many of those people are in France?