Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Tournament Results, and Kid Stuff

I fished a tournament last Saturday at Lake Brownwood. As predicted, it was cold, and the fishing was tough. I ended up catching a 5 pound drum, but also a 3.58 pound bass and one short bass. Three bites in 8 hours, now that's some fast action. My fish was enough to put me in probably 5th or 6th place. 12 or 15 guys out of 39 had a fish, and 1o pounds won. There were three fish over 6 pounds, but most guys just weighed in one fish at 2 pounds or so.

Jonathan's been on a "probably" kick. The other day he brought home a picture from school that looked like he had gone around and around in circles with a purple marker. I asked him what his picture was, and he said, "Probably just purple circles."

A couple of days later, Shana was at home with the boys and realized she hadn't seen or heard Jonathan in a while. When she found him, he looked like this:

When she asked him what he was doing, his reply was, "Probably just shaving."

What a mess :)

At least we're all well.

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