Car update
Here's an update on the status of the stolen car mess.
The police caught two more kids who were involved, one 14 and one 15, to go along with the 16 year old they caught on Saturday. Apparently the 16 year old was the ringleader, and the other two left because he was getting too crazy. The 16 year old has no insurance, and our insurance is taking the position that they won't cover it.
I don't know much about the legal system, never having spent much time on either side of the process. Apparently "suing for damages" is part of how the system works, in terms of the state requiring them to pay damages in cases like this. I didn't know that, figuring I'd have to get a lawyer and go after them on my own. The state can apparently garnish their wages and so on to enforce payment. On the other hand, what are the odds a bunch of teenage meth heads have wages? I still don't know how the whole thing is going to work, but I am thankful that Barry is taking care of it for us.
And so we're car shopping. We had planned on buying a truck this month and trading in the blue truck. Now we're keeping the blue truck and buying a lesser vehicle to replace the car. We're thinking small SUV, but we haven't shopped hard yet. Some have expressed concern that we might need "help" of some kind. I'd like to thank you for your concern, but we've got it handled this time.
I'll let you know as the situation develops.
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