Tuesday, May 03, 2005

At least it's not Monday

Lots of folks hate Mondays, and lately I've jumped on that bandwagon again. About two months ago I wrote a nice bulletin article about how great Mondays were. Boy was I full of (what's a nice word for a public blog that still conveys the meaning I'm looking for... can't think of one).

Now it's Tuesday, the day of less work in my normal routine, the day of my favorite pastime of late, the Tuesday Night Tournament, and six whole days until the next Monday.

Spent a long time on the phone with my parental units last night. They wanted to know all my plans. Of course I have lots of plans, but I just don't' have enough information right now to know if any of them are going to work out. I still need a job. I still need a place to live. I still need to finish the work on my house here and sell it. I still am having a garage sale this weekend to get rid of some of our stuff. I still haven't won any money fishing. Lots of unfinished business.

One of my former professors forwarded me an e-mail about a youth ministry job opening 15 miles from Abilene. That's a tough one. I'm not so sure I need to jump into another youth ministry right now. I've let myself be convinced that I'm not personal enough. I know that I won't be able to give as much as I think a good YM ought to, since I'll be doing school full time and raising kids. I'd appreciate your comments, you few who visit here. Should I try this youth ministry thing one more time?

Keep the faith,


At 8:57 PM, Blogger Jason Fry said...

To "tally the votes" so far (including the people I've talked to in real, non-internet ways), that's two hesitate-but-maybes and three heck-it's-money-and-a-houses. I have this pattern of seeking all this input and then doing what I wanted to anyway, but I still like the interaction.

Back off on the cynicism just a bit. I understand you, but this is the internet, not the telephone. Some Walnut folks read this regularly.

Wally world's not out of the question. I did apply at UPS for the same reasons: good benefits and OK pay.

At 7:17 AM, Blogger Jason Fry said...

That's why I warned him about his word choice. No, youth ministry hasn't been a "terrible" experience. I have enjoyed many parts of my time in ministry, and the vast majority of my time at Walnut, but it is certianly true that the politics of church work can be discouraging.
Part of re-entering youth ministry is the gamble of giving your life to a church that you just met. It's kind of like getting married after two dates. THAT's the part I'm anxious about.
I'd be glad to talk to you personally about all of this if you're interested.


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