Sunday, February 19, 2006

Institutionalize me!

I can't get away from wanting to work for churches. I have friends who think that churches as we know them, with buildings and so forth, are a thing of the past. They all want to start house church movements, coffee house churches, African churches, Chinese churches, and stuff like that. Nobody argues that those who attend institutional churches aren't saved, but much of the rhetoric among grad students and faculty is anti-institutional. And yet, I can't escape. George Barna this, missional that, fine. Somebody still has to serve the churches that already exist, whether they're on their way out or not. I feel called to be one of the institutional guys. Every church that I've been to has in some way or another hurt me, and so I feel like Moses at the end of the burning bush scene: "Please, Lord, send somebody else." Moses didn't get off that easy, and, I suspect, neither will I.


At 9:04 PM, Blogger Jared Cramer said...

Hey man, I hear ya. It has bothered me ever since I got here that I'm a wierdo for just wanting to work for a church.

At 7:17 AM, Blogger miller said...


i'm sorry i've been one of the guys your talking about. you've got a call no doubt and it sounds like its from God...

you won't hear me knockin' it again.

i really do believe we will find our way through in a multiplicity of expressions.

however, i think the vast majority of students and professors are still pushing the institutional model... i think its just that us non-inst. guys are a lot louder.



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