Friday, September 01, 2006

What I'm fixing to have to do

I'm in a class right now called "Intro to Christian Ministry." Its "Snakes on a Plane" title would be "Moving from Seminary to Church Work."

The first thing we did was process a case study about a seminary all-star who fell flat on his face in ministry, which was OK, since I don't know anyone like that. (Your sarcasm meter should be going nuts)

I could complain that I never had a real mentor. I could argue that the churches were the problem. I could say that it was just my personality, or conclude that I'm just not well suited to ministry.

For a year now, I have had no idea what my ministry future would hold. I've moved up in retail and have a career on my hands in that arena, should I choose to stick with it. I'm being forced into a direction. I have to write a paper called "My Dream for My Ministry," and honestly I have no idea.

This may be too much to ask of my blogging community, but I'm going to ask it anyway. Those of you that know me, what kind of ministry do you see me doing in the future? I can sit around and think about it, but I want feedback from outside myself. I have some ideas, but I want to leave the question open. What do you think?


At 9:44 AM, Blogger miller said...


i have been thinking about this for a couple of days,


the only ministry i can see you in right now is one of healing

not for others necessarily

for yourself and your family

i believe you have significant wounds that really need to heal. you're the kind of guy who stays in the battle though he's wounded...

but he does so foolishly

we are better off with a whole Fry family than we are with a Jason Fry whose heart is deeply scarred.

of all the ministries out there, you need to be in one where the target is you...

i wish there were a ministry-a-holics anonymous.

it took me a couple of years to heal and i wasn't much good to anyone while that process was in full swing.

take to time to heal from the wounds born of friendly fire.

as one who knows

At 6:29 AM, Blogger jerry said...

WOW, asking people, especially me to comment on you and your ministry potential. I am first humbled. I agree with miller in the post above. I still think God has some healing to do and He will do on His time table. Too many times, we try to help God out by making quick decisions. I still am licking some wounds suffered from the years before I arrived at Bypass. With all that said, I would be jumping in front of God by saying exactly which direction you need to go. I do however see you in a ministry where you help people heal, only because you have been there. And we know there is need for people to help others heal, especially those who have been "burned" by fellow Christians. Maybe in a counselling role. I dont' know. I am praying for you and your family. Keep praying! I love you brother and miss you and your family.


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