Friday, June 16, 2006

Un Pish Warr

The title is Jonathan for "I want to fish in the water." I've taken him out perch fishing a couple of times lately. His Tigger pole wasn't working very well, so we upgraded to Scooby Doo, which works much better. So far he can't really cast, but he can reel them in very well. Every one is a big one, just ask him and he'll tell you.

In big people fishing news, I went last Saturday and also this morning. Saturday we went to Lake Coleman with some friends. The fishing stank (4 fish in 4 hours), but the company and the water skiing were nice. One of the fish was a 3 pound yellow cat that I caught on a red brush hog. Here's a picture of the fish and Jonathan. That's Luke in the background, and he caught his two fish on the pink pole in the bottom left corner.

I also went to Phantom this morning. I had heard about the whites and hybrids schooling early in the mornings from several customers at Academy. Today it was windy, somewhere between crazy waves and pure insanity, far too rough to fish in open water or see fish schooling if they were there. I found a bank where the waves weren't bad and the wind blew parallel, and I fished down it about four times. I caught probably 10 bass, one for sure keeper and two that were pretty close, and also three white bass. Most of them were on a buzzbait, which is always fun. I was at the lake by 6:05, and left about 8:45 because the wind was so bad.

In Academy news, I'm in apparel for the next three weeks, then footwear after that for two weeks, then I go to the round robin interview on the 26th (not 24th as previously reported) of July.

And in fantasy land, I'm currently in the 98.2 percentile at 314 out of about 20,000 contestants. Too bad no one I know is into both bass fishing and fantasy sports.


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