Thursday, April 28, 2005

Updates, Prayer Requests, and a Warning

The interview with Herald of Truth went well yesterday. I was on a conference call with two of their people, and they've asked me to talk to a third person. I guess if I'd bombed, they wouldn't have bothered the third guy, so that's a good sign. I'm pretty interested in working for them, but I'm concerned that the money won't be enough to support my family. Please continue to pray for my job situation.

I have a difficult meeting coming up tomorrow at 1 p.m. Pray for wisdom and discernment for me to choose my words wisely. Pray for those I'm meeting with that they will make a wise decision about my proposal. It's a tough situation with far-reaching implications, so I'd appreciate your prayers.

Number three, pray for my family. This whole situation's made me a bit of a mess. I can't sleep (did you notice that this was posted at 11:30 p.m?) and I've lost about 7 pounds. Pray for Shana and I to have patience with each other and with the boys as we go through this time of transition.

Now the WARNING:
There's a button on the top of every Blogger blog called "Next Blog." It takes you to another Blogger blog chosen at random. When you go through the internet at random, you often end up in some bad spots. Be careful with that button. I'd recommend you avoid it altogether.

Guess that's it for now. Got to try to go to sleep since it's past my bed time.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Some Nibbles

A couple of updates on some interesting leads...

One, I have a phone interview with Herald of Truth this afternoon. They seem pretty interested, as they've e-mailed me three or four times in figuring out the interview time and stuff. I like the idea of this job, simply because it puts me into a good organization. I cruised around their website, and it looks as if the only part that needs development is the site that they have designed as an evangelistic tool. That sounds really interesting to me, since I have piles and piles of lessons that could potentially be useful.

Two, one of Shana's friend's parents found out about our house, and they are looking to buy more rental property in our neighborhood. Those types usually don't want to pay alot, but at least it's a nibble.

And speaking of nibbles, Derrick and I gave away the tourney again last night. If you know, last week we left our fish and ended up with zippo. This week we started out where some fish were two weeks ago, but we hadn't checked them this weekend. They left, and we didn't even get bit until nearly 7:15 (which is bad in a tourney that runs from 6-8:30). Since we weren't catching anything, we went back to last week's fish and promptly caught two keepers, one that was about 3 pounds. I lost another one right at dark, and it only took 8 something pounds to get in the money. If we'd gone to our known fish first, if I'd not missed that last one, if Jupiter had been closer to the moon, and if.... well, you get the idea. Maybe next week.

Monday, April 25, 2005

The Abilene Job Market

Part of the deal with the elders is that I am paid at Walnut through August. That means that if I can find a job that begins in say, June, I can double dip my salaries for a few months. For those of you that pray specifically, here's a few of the leads I'm working on, in no particular order.

One, there's a professor that needs some research done about personalities and ministers. Since I wrote 2/3 of a master's thesis on this topic, he's interested in me working for him, but he doesn't really have a job open.

Two, there's another professor who's in charge of peer mediation at ACU. I was the mediator in his first ever peer mediation, and so he's interested in me woorking for him, but he too doesn't really have an opening.

School jobs come open at wierd times, so it's not unlikely that one or both of those might pan out into something.

Three, there's a part time college ministry job open at the church where we attended while we were in college the first time. The ministry looks exciting, but the pay stinks.

Four, Herald of Truth is looking for a computer/web design/office person. I applied, knowing that I'm probably overqualified in some areas, and underqualified in others. Even so, maybe they can find a spot for me.

Five, there are several jobs on campus, but they're all full time and they limit you to only 6 hours per semester. Doesn't sound any good, but they're a last resort option.

Since it's pretty obvious, at least to me, that God's hand is all over this situation, I have confidence that the job thing will work out some how. Even so, I'd appreciate your prayers until it does.

Keep the faith,

New Blog, First Post

Hello to all my friends and internet buddies. I've been doing the blog thing for a while now with my job (former job?), and I like it, so I've decided to begin a blog for myself. I don't really have a great plan for what kinds of things I'll post on here, but like most things I do, it will probably be a bit random, but should be high quality and interesting. Stop by some time, and feel free to leave comments.