A Presbyterian minister came into Academy the other day asking for chapstick with sunblock. He ended up buying 35 tubes for an object lesson with 5-8th graders. Just for kicks, I thought about what kind of lessons could be done with chapstick with sunblock. Some are good, some not so good...
1. Jesus keeps you from getting your lips sunburned
2. Jesus makes you feel better when you're chapped
3. If you leave Jesus in your pocket, you'll get burned
4. If you leave Jesus in your pocket, your mom will wash him and he'll melt and be useless
5. If you share Jesus with your friends, you can get fever blisters
6. Jesus protects us from the harmful effects of the environment
7. Jesus conditions your lips to speak truth
8. Jesus is small enough to carry with you everywhere
9. Jesus only works if you use him
10. If you don't share Jesus with your friends, they'll get burned
11. Jesus is useful year round, but especially in the summer time
12. There's no sense in carrying around two Jesus' at once
13. People all over the world need Jesus
14. Jesus doesn't discriminate based on ______________
15. Jesus also works when your nose gets chapped from too many Kleenexes
16. I don't really have 101 of these, but hey, I tried.
17. If you think of some more, feel free to add them in the comments.