Oh Deer!
I've been bowhunting a bit lately at my friend Trey's place south of Lawn. The first three times I went, I saw a couple of does, but nothing in range. Wednesday it all came together.

I got to my stand about 15 minutes before shooting light. As soon as I got there, a large deer came by at less than ten yards, but it was so dark, I couldn't tell if it had horns or not. About twenty minutes later, a doe started working its way up the trail. Problem is, the entire trail approach is downwind! She was suspicious and came in real slow, working the sixty yards from when I first saw her in about twenty minutes. About half way through her little game, a buck came out at the far end of the trail. Because the doe wasn't coming in, he didn't either. The deer was a seven point with about a 15" spread, a mature deer, plenty good for bow hunting. It worked its way toward me, also very slowly, and bedded down in the grass about 50 yards away. In the mean time, the doe had come in to about twenty yards, still down wind. After five or ten minutes of close doe and bedded buck, another buck started coming down the same trail. The first buck jumped up at the other's approach, and they both started moving toward me, heading behind a tree. I made up my mind to shoot whichever one came in range first.
Thirty yards away (ok, maybe 29), out steps buck #2. I drew, fired, and....
Sweet success...

This is my fourth deer, third buck with a bow. It's a typical 8 point, with about a 13" inside spread. Jonathan helped me cut it up in the back yard. Here are a couple of pics of that process...

Hope y'all enjoyed!